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Reign (Last Princess Book 3) Page 9

  “You’re freaking me out with the secrecy,” I admit, glancing around the darkening woods. “And it’s kinda creepy here when it turns dark. How long was I with Tempest and Aila?”

  Andrei chuckles. “By the time I found you? It had been a few hours since your guards came to me telling me that you had disappeared. The gardens were the last place I figured you’d be. Xander was actually the one who told me that’s where you probably were, but I didn’t believe him at first, so I went looking elsewhere.”

  I wince. “And how long was it that you guys had been gone?”

  “We were gone for about four hours at that point,” Andrei admits.

  “Oops,” I mutter. I sent the guards away within an hour and a half of them babysitting me.

  “Yes, ‘oops,’” Andrei repeats. “You gave us a scare, Cherish. Please, until this whole thing with the Ikishri are handled, do not wander off on your own. At the very least, please, take one guard with you. If you’re that determined to be alone, then just make sure you tell them where you’ll be.”

  The worry in his tone stops me dead. Andrei stops when he feels the tug from me not moving with him and glances back at me. “I’m sorry,” I whisper, looking down at my feet as I realize that I really shouldn’t have ran off on my own. “I just didn’t want to be smothered. I didn’t and don’t feel smothered with you guys. Well, not a lot anyway,” I correct. “But with the guards? I felt like I couldn’t breath after an hour of them hanging around me, clucking like mother hens.”

  “We understand that, ma hai,” Andrei assures me quickly, tucking his finger beneath my chin and forcing my face to look up at him. “We’re not mad. We were just worried. We don’t know what the Ikishri want with you and when you disappear, you’re putting everyone on edge.”

  I stand on my toes and press an apologetic kiss to his lips. “I’m sorry,” I repeat. “It won’t happen again.” I pause. “At least, not while there are very real threats out there. When there are none, then security can relax just a little bit.”

  Andrei’s mouth curves. “That sounds like a good compromise,” he muses, brushing his calloused thumb across my cheek. “I love you, Cherish,” he whispers. “I can’t lose you, alright? None of us can.”

  I rub my nose gently against his. “I love you too and the same goes for the three of you.” I narrow my eyes at him. “And you’re not allowed to almost die again.”

  Andrei smiles softly down at me. “I’ll do my best,” he swears. “Now, let’s go. The others are probably getting impatient.”

  My eyebrows furrow as he takes my hand and starts leading me through the woods again. “What do you mean?”

  “He’s not wrong,” Kade’s voice says as he appears in the woods ahead of us, a smirk on his face. “We’re getting plenty impatient.”

  My mouth curves into a smile. “What are you doing here? I thought Andrei had kidnapped me for some alone time for the two of us.”

  Kade and Andrei share a look brimming with secrets.

  “Okay, what’s going on?”

  “You’ll see,” Kade answers vaguely as he takes my other hand and helps lead me through the woods.

  Another five minutes have passed and I’m officially out of patience. “Okay, seriously, guys. What is with all... the... secrecy?” The last two words are whispered in awe as my jaw drops at the sight before me. Standing beside a lake that’s lined with candles as far as my eyes can see, is Xander with a small smile on his face as he looks at me.

  Chapter 15


  “Um, wh-what’s going on?”

  Xander’s smile grows into an almost shy grin. Looking at Kade and Andrei, I can see some signs of nerves there too. It’s weird. I’ve never seen them look nervous. Outside of telling me what I am, anyway.

  That’s when I also finally take in the formal uniforms they’re wearing. I vaguely remember reading about the fact that guards have two uniforms. They have their usual, everyday uniform, then they also have those for formal functions.

  How the hell did my brain completely skip over the fact that Andrei came to get me wearing that?

  The guys chuckle at what I’m sure is a mixture of confusion and shock on my face. Mainly because, the only time I’ve seen them in their formal wear is when I was crowned as Queen, but for some reason, I didn’t really think about it at the time. Probably too busy freaking out over being crowned Queen to begin with, I reason with myself. It’s the only thing that really makes any sense.

  I jump a little when movement to the left draws my attention and I see the Fiela Mohi standing there waiting patiently.

  “Okay,” I squeak. “Someone needs to tell me what the hell is going on, and fast.”

  The Fiela Mohi laughs. “I’ll let your men explain that to you, my dear.”

  I look at my guys expectantly and the others look pointedly at Andrei. Apparently, they’re picking on him because he’s the oldest. Well, okay, I don’t actually know that but it’s what my brain decided to come up with as an explanation.

  “We want to marry you, ma hai,” Andrei explains.

  I blink rapidly at him, mouth hanging open, unsure if I heard him right.

  He smiles, amusement glittering in his eyes. “You heard me, Baby.”

  “Y-you mean-“ I cut off and look over at the Fiela Mohi with wide eyes. “You mean right now?”

  “Right here, right now,” Andrei murmurs, his fingers drifting across my cheek, wiping at a wetness I didn’t realize was there. Am I crying?

  I am. I finally realize as I feel more tears pour out and down my cheeks. “You’re serious?” I ask, voice barely there. I know they have all said that they love me, but I didn’t expect this. At least not anytime soon.

  “We’re serious, mia,” Kade says, his face and voice softening as he watches me.

  “We want all of you, Princess. This may make things a little weird considering that you are royalty, but honestly, none of us want the crown. We just want you,” Xander says confidently as my tears begin to slow.

  “You guys would have to share the title of King,” the Fiela Mohi cuts in. “I just want to be sure that you are all well aware of that fact.”

  “We’re more than aware,” Kade assures him as Andrei wipes the remaining tears off my cheeks.

  “We aren’t in it to be King,” Andrei repeats. “We just want our Cherish.”

  My heart fills with so much love and happiness I feel like it’ll burst. Tears spring up again as I throw myself into Andrei’s arms, hugging him to me tightly. “Okay. Let’s do it,” I agree happily as he squeezes me once before passing me to Kade. Kade does the same, squeezes me once, as well as sneaking in a quick kiss, then passing me to Xander. Xander lets my body brush against his as he puts my feet to the ground again. He leans down, kissing me hard before stepping away.

  I look down at my dirty jeans and t-shirt. “Um, you guys are seriously okay with marrying me looking like a bum?”

  “Bum?” The Fiela Mohi asks, confused. “What is a bum? I have not heard this word before. At least, not in this context.”

  “Oh, a, uh, homeless person that doesn’t work or something like that. I never actually looked up the exact definition,” I admit, my cheeks burning. Why the hell did I think I could use words from home and expect people here to know what the hell I’m talking about?

  Kade chuckles and presses a kiss to my cheek as he wraps an arm around my waist. “I don’t really give a shit what you’re wearing. You’re the most beautiful thing in this world and the next no matter what you wear,” he announces honestly.

  “Doesn’t matter to me, either,” Xander and Andrei say together.

  I laugh and look at the Fiela Mohi. “I guess we’re ready then. I don’t need to be in a dress to make this perfect. They already have.”

  The Fiela Mohi smiles kindly at me. “Excellent. If you’ll please stand on my right, Your Majesty.” He gestures beside him and I move to the spot he wants me to be in while he directs the guys to stand direc
tly across from me. “This is going to take a minute for me to fumble through,” he admits sheepishly. “I’ve never done a wedding for more than the traditional male and female.”

  “It’s not like I’ve ever done this either,” I mutter, a goofy smile still firmly planted on my face as I look at my guys.

  The Fiela Mohi clears his throat and starts the ceremony speaking in the elven language that I still haven’t fully started understanding so I only catch a few words here and there. I catch eternity, soul, love, and life. Other than those few words I have no idea what he’s saying but it sounds beautiful and I wish I had been able to spend more time learning the language.

  He looks at me, meeting my eyes. “I’ll do this next part in English, so you can understand what you’re saying,” he says with a small smile.

  “My hero,” I mumble, not wanting to screw up my vows by mispronouncing a word.

  Everyone chuckles as the Fiela Mohi starts, “Now, Your Majesty, if you would please repeat after me.” I nod. “I, Cherish, take you, Andrei, Kade, and Xander to be my husbands.” I repeat it, briefly wondering if the vows are completely like the ones back home. “I will love you and support you as a partner, a lover, and a friend.” I repeat, my voice cracking a little as I keep my gaze locked on the guys. The Fiela Mohi nods approvingly then has the others repeat the same vows in reverse to me. Once the guys are done, he bows deeply. “I now pronounce you husbands and wife, Kings and Queen.” He straightens and smiles at us. “I shall take my leave now. You all have a glorious night.”

  “Fiela Mohi?” I call out before he has a chance to go anywhere.

  “Yes, my Queen?”

  I walk over to him and hug him tightly. “Thank you so much for doing this.”

  He pats my back gently. “It was definitely my pleasure. Have a great night,” he says before letting me go and walking away, disappearing into the woods.

  I turn around and smile at my guys. My Kings. “I love you.”

  “We love you, too,” they respond together.

  Kade breaks past the little line they kept themselves in and pushes into my space, forcing me to tilt my head back to look at him. “Why don’t we go for a swim, wife?” Kade asks, a wicked grin on his face.

  “Why do I feel like you’re talking about skinny dipping?” I laugh, taking in the mischievous glint in his eyes that’s also mixed with a hell of a lot of heat there too.

  “Because that’s exactly what I’m talking about,” he rumbles before crushing his mouth against mine. I moan into his mouth, throwing myself into the kiss as he lifts me into his arms. Wrapping my legs around his waist I gasp as I feel his hard cock through our clothes brushing against me.

  I vaguely register the sound of clothing drop to the ground as Xander and Andrei undress before the sound of water splashing against skin fills the air. Kade breaks the kiss and starts walking to the edge of the lake with me still wrapped around him. I rub my fingers on one side of his neck, while I tuck my head into the crook on the other side as he walks.

  He loosens his grip, steadying me on my feet before he grabs the hem of my t-shirt and lifts it above my head. A groan escapes his lips when he realizes I’m not wearing a bra. “I’m pretty sure I saw you put one on this morning,” he comments under his breath, his eyes taking me in as his fingers make quick work of my jeans and panties.

  “I did,” I respond with a smirk. “It was bugging me, so I took it off after like an hour. You didn’t notice that I put a bigger shirt on to hide that fact, did you?”

  He shakes his head. “No, I didn’t notice,” he admits as he quickly takes his clothes off.

  Without warning he lifts me into his arms, one arm under my knees and another behind my back and he carries me into the water closer to the others.

  “You know I can walk by myself, right?” I ask with a small smile.

  “I’m aware,” he murmurs as he sets me down between the three of them. Thankfully they kept in mind that I’m shorter than they are because with my feet firmly on the ground, my head and the top part of my chest is above the water.

  My eyes flutter shut as I feel a hand brush my lower back in a featherlight touch at the same time Kade bends down to kiss me and I feel lips brush my shoulder.

  Chapter 16


  I kiss Kade back as he presses himself against my front just as I feel Andrei's hard body press against my back. I hold in a moan as I feel their cocks hard and heavy against my skin.

  I gasp into Kade's mouth as Xander's fingers stroll down my stomach to between my legs. I feel Andrei wrap me in his arms as his hands cup my breasts, plucking at my nipples in the same rhythm as Xander plunging his fingers deep inside me.

  One of Andrei's hands leaves my breast and tangles into my hair. I moan as he tilts my head back, breaking my kiss with Kade so he can take over my mouth. My hips buck against Xander's hand as he continues pumping his fingers in and out of me.

  The feeling of a warm wet mouth covering my neglected nipple as teeth nip gently at it, drawing me closer and closer to my orgasm and making my thighs shake.

  "Oh god," I groan against Andrei's mouth, my hands gripping Kade's shoulders to keep myself steady, my nails most likely breaking the skin.

  "Come for us, Princess," Xander orders as his finger and thumb tweak my clit at the exact moment Kade bites and sucks my breast - leaving a mark or two, I’m sure- and Andrei tugs on my nipple with his fingers. Unable to deny the order, I shatter beneath their hands and mouths, my body shaking as my orgasm crashes through me. "Beautiful," Xander murmurs as he presses a kiss to my exposed throat.

  Xander’s fingers disappear while Kade’s hands grip my waist, lifting me up and causing me to instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. He positions me just above his cock, making me squirm and groan in frustration as he continuously rubs the tip against my slit, purposefully not penetrating.

  “Kade,” I whine as I feel Xander and Andrei’s hands roam over my body, cupping and playing with my breasts, shaping my curves, and straying over my ass.

  Kade slowly pushes inside me, his cock stretching my walls and filling me completely, leaving me panting. Without giving me a second to adjust to his size he starts pumping into me and I’m quickly falling apart against the onslaught of sensations from his cock and Andrei and Xander’s hands and mouths caressing my skin. The water splashing against each of us with every movement we make, adding to the already overwhelming sense of pleasure.

  Xander’s hand cups my chin, turning my head to the side before he brushes his lips against mine. Gently, then harder. Firmer. I moan into Xander’s mouth as he mimics Kade’s movements with his tongue and Kade’s pace picks up. One of Andrei’s hands -or is it Xander’s- slips between my body and Kade’s aiming for my clit as two hands play with my breasts. After a few more hard and deep thrusts, my second orgasm soars to the surface, ripping a scream from my throat with Kade following immediately after.

  Kade smiles at me as we catch our breath.

  “You guys are totally trying to kill me,” I grumble with a smile as I lean back against Andrei’s chest.

  “We’re not done with you yet, ma hai,” Andrei murmurs into my ear, his arms wrapping around my waist as he takes my weight while Kade pulls out. Kade kisses me once more before he lets Andrei carry me out to the edge of the water. “Xander,” Andrei says from behind me.

  “You got it,” Xander says.

  I frown at that, not sure if I like that they communicate without actually speaking. I think that could get annoying in the future. Although, it’s not a bad thing, it would just be annoying at times.

  Andrei puts my feet back on the ground, the water lapping at my feet and Xander moves to stand in front of me his eyes blazing with heat as they roam across my wet body.

  “Get on your knees, Baby,” Andrei murmurs encouragingly. “We want to see you take Xander into your mouth.”

  My pussy clenches at the same time my eyes widen in surprise. That was the last thing I was expe
cting to hear any of them say.

  “And while you’re sucking Xander’s cock,” Andrei whispers in my ear, making a delicious shiver run down my spine, “I’m going to fuck this“ -his hand moves between my legs, his fingers brushing against my pussy, briefly dipping inside, teasing me- “gorgeous, soaking wet, pussy while Kade watches.” Andrei’s teeth nip my earlobe, eliciting a moan from my lips.

  “Think you can handle that, Princess?” Xander asks, his hand gripping his hard cock. He starts stroking when my gaze zeros in on the action. I lick my lips and nod once before slowly moving to my knees.

  Xander positions himself in front of me, his long, thick cock right in my face. His hand buries itself in my hair at the back of my head. “Open up, Princess,” Xander coaxes.

  Instead of opening completely, I fist his cock and flick my tongue against the slit, licking up the drop of pre-come there. Xander’s grip in my hair tightens just a fraction, most likely in a silent ‘stop teasing get on with it’ order. Really, all that did was make my pussy clench hard and my stomach flip as the need to come races through my veins. I open my mouth wide for him, too turned on to give a shit about teasing anymore.

  Without any preamble, he pushes his cock in my mouth, groaning as I feel the tip his cock in the back of my throat. Not waiting for him to tell me what to do, even though he uses the hand in my hair to guide my movements, I bob up and down on his cock with my tongue swirling around his cock.

  Andrei’s hands grip my hips as he pulls my lower body further back, forcing me to drop my hand from Xander to brace myself on the ground. Xander takes over thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth as Andrei lines his own up against my pussy. I wiggle my hips, hoping to get him to move faster when a sharp smack on my ass stops my movements.

  “Quit moving, Baby,” Andrei orders. Just as I start to feel him push into me from behind, I swallow around Xander’s cock, causing a loud groan from him. Movement to my left catches my eye as Andrei enters me inch by agonizingly slow inch. I moan around Xander’s cock as the movement registers as Kade with his hand wrapped firmly around his cock as he watches Xander fuck my mouth while Andrei fucks me from behind.