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Reign (Last Princess Book 3) Page 5
Reign (Last Princess Book 3) Read online
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I freeze and eye Xander. "There wasn't any artwork posted when we went through the village last time. Well, that I can remember."
Xander chuckles. "If there wasn't any up then it was most likely because they were gone, moved, or the seller was sick."
I squeal happily. "Well, what the hell are we waiting for?! Let's go!" I grab Xander's hand and drag him out of the kitchen.
* * *
"We should be at the meeting spot in about five minutes," Kade mutters.
"Good. I don't want to be away from the castle and Cherish for too long. We still aren't one hundred percent sure we can trust the other guards to protect her."
"You've gotten paranoid," Kade says, sounding shocked.
"Not paranoid," I counter. "Just more cautious. She's already been kidnapped by someone who was supposed to be her friend and someone that should have been trusted to stand at her side."
"Okay, I can see your point," Kade concedes. "I don't like all that's happened to her since we introduced her to our world, but she's getting stronger, Andrei. She shouldn't have to deal with all of the shit, especially the shit that's being shoveled her way during the start of her reign."
"After all this shit is over, we're taking Cherish to see her friends," I tell Kade, my tone not allowing any room for argument. "I don't give a shit if there's anything else that needs her attention once we're done with the Ikishri. She can go visit her friends for a day or two."
Kade chuckles. "I figured that's what we'd do anyways. So let's aim to get this shit done and over with sooner than later."
"Sounds like a plan."
After another minute of walking, Kade continues on to the meeting spot where we know the man we're meeting is waiting while I circle around to make sure there isn't a tail anywhere.
Satisfied that he wasn't followed I make my way back to the meeting place.
"Ralnor," I greet our spy.
"Andrei," he says dryly. "I could have told you I wasn't followed."
"I wasn't taking that chance, Ralnor. We've had a lot of incidents lately."
Ralnor nods. "I understand. I have a few things that you need to know. It's bad, Andrei, and I really can't stay long. I barely managed to get out today without questions."
"Say what you need and you can head back."
Ralnor sighs, letting out a big breath. "King Castien plans to have several units of soldiers attack the Tira villages neighboring his land. Tonight. I don't know exactly how, but that it will happen and it will be bad."
My blood turns to ice in my veins. Jesus. An attack of that magnitude? Castien isn't pulling his punches anymore. Kade's eyes are wide as we exchange a worried look. I look back to Ralnor. "Is there anything else?"
Ralnor hesitates. "The Queen. She's in danger. I haven't heard what Castien has planned for her, all I do know, is it's no longer his goal to kill her. He wants her taken alive. I think he wants to use her for something, but I can't imagine what."
I frown. That doesn't make any sense. What the hell would he want with Cherish? Even if he found out she was Marked, he'd be crying out for her to be ki-
My heart races as a startling possibility runs through my mind. The only thing that makes any sense is that Castien found out that Cherish is Marked. He doesn't want her dead. He wants to use her for something. Something that only she can do as a Marked elf.
I swallow hard and meet Ralnor's eyes. "Do you have more?"
Ralnor shakes his head. "No. I really do have to go now, though," he says sadly. He gives Kade and I a sad smile. "It was nice to see you guys again. I aim to find out what the fuck is going on so that I can come home soon."
"Soon, brother," I murmur as Ralnor turns and walks away.
"What the hell could Castien want with Cherish?" Kade asks.
"I don't know," I whisper, not wanting to tell him my suspicions without Cherish and Xander. "Whatever it is, it won't be good."
"Well, he won't get her," Kade states firmly.
"No. He won't," I agree. I lift my hand and open a portal to the castle. "Go warn Cherish and Xander what's going to happen tonight. Tell them we need people. I can't get these people out of these villages without some help."
"You got it." With that, he disappears through the portal.
I take in a shaky breath.
Please, let me be wrong.
Chapter 8
A squeak escapes as I jump out of my skin when a portal appears in front of Xander and me in the middle of the village.
Seconds later Kade walks out and I puff out a breath before narrowing my eyes on him, taking in the paleness of his skin and the uneasy expression on his face.
"Are you okay?" I ask moving quickly into his arms. He squeezes me against him as his eyes dart around us.
"I'm fine, but we need to talk," he suggests quietly.
I study his face for a moment more then nod. "Alright. Let's go over here." I gesture to a small alleyway that's out of earshot of everyone. "What is going on?" I ask as soon as we're clear. "And where is Andrei?"
"He stayed behind. It'll make sense in a minute, I swear," he assures me. Although, he isn't really sounding all that assuring.
"Did something go wrong?" Xander asks.
Kade shakes his head. "No, nothing went wrong. Well, nothing went wrong at the meeting but there is quite a bit that's wrong." He takes a deep breath, centering himself before he continues. "The informant had a warning for us. The Ikishri are planning on attacking Tira villages that are on the border."
I grind my teeth as my temper flashes. "Did he say why they were going to attack?" I finally ask once I feel more in control.
"No, he didn't. He did tell us something else though," Kade starts before hesitating. His mouth open and closes several times before I lose my patience.
"What did he tell you?" I just barely keep the snap out of my voice.
It's not that I'm mad at Kade. It's that we don't have time to be caught with our pants down if that attack happens so we need to figure out what to do. And I can't do that if he's not one hundred percent with me.
"The Ikishri King changed plans," he starts slowly, looking at the wall behind me. "He's changed his orders in regards to what his men are to do with you." He drags his eyes to mine, the distress in his eyes hurting my heart. "Instead of killing you on sight as they've been ordered to do before, they now are ordered to capture you and take you to him. He apparently has plans for you."
I gape at him for a heartbeat. "Seriously? Why?"
Kade shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, mia."
"That doesn't make any sense." I bite the inside of my cheek as I run my head through everything that's happened since I've been brought here.
The only thing that's really sticking out is Forrest coming to me in my dreams. I tilt my head in question as I look from Kade to Xander. "Is it possible that Forrest was able to dream walk while in the prison?"
Kade shakes his head as Xander speaks. "Not likely. The only way that any powers work as a prisoner is if their cuffs were taken off and they were taken out of the dungeon."
I purse my lips as I consider that. "Alright, then that takes away that option," I mutter to myself before speaking to them again. "So, is it safe to assume that the Ikishri have spies here as well?"
Xander and Kade exchange glances before looking at me. "Yeah," Kade admits. "It's not uncommon, if I'm being completely honest."
I take a deep breath before letting it out slowly, bracing myself to tell them something they're likely to be unpleased to hear. "I think it's safe to say that Forrest told one of the spies about the Mark," I admit. "I also don't really think we will be able to hide it for much longer. That could be one of the things that they could try using against us. The fact that we've kept it hidden."
Their expressions darken, neither of them looking the least bit happy about what just left my mouth.
"You seriously think that they know?" Kade asks.
"Yeah, I d
o," I answer. "There's nothing else that makes sense."
"Fuck," Xander bites out.
I look at Kade and Xander, catching both of their gazes. "I want to find out everyone that had any contact with Forrest, including the guards, during his time in the dungeon. Kade, you're the least violent looking so I want you to be with me on that." I swallow hard and look solely at Xander, my heart hurting knowing that I'm going to be sending him and Andrei headfirst into danger. "I want you to take several guards and members of the army -however many you think you'll need- and go help Andrei get everyone out of those villages."
Xander narrows his eyes at me. "I don't like this, Cherish. They could be trying to separate us to make it easier to get to you. And with me taking so many men with me, that is seriously what will happen. It'll be so much easier for the Ikishri to get their hands on you and I'm definitely not okay with that."
I place my hand on his cheek and smile sweetly at him. "I know, Xander. I love you for that. But, my safety isn't more important than theirs. I still have to try to save them. Even if I physically can't do anything."
His jaw tics as he studies my face. Finally, he sighs and pulls my body firmly against his, his hand tangling in my hair as he kisses me hard. "You better start getting a better sense of self-preservation. Fast," he bites out before kissing me roughly again. "Stay safe. I love you."
I give him a soft smile, praying this won't be the last time I see him. "I love you too and tell Andrei the same goes for him. Both of you better come back to me or I'll kick your asses."
His mouth kicks up in amusement before he kisses me again. "You got it, Princess," Xander murmurs against my lips before letting me go. He pulls back and meets Kade's eyes. "Keep her safe."
Kade nods once, eyes as hard as Xander's. "You know I will."
Xander backs away from us, his eyes going to me once more before turning around and taking off down the path we were heading back toward the castle. I watch him go until he disappears from sight.
"Alright," I turn to face Kade. "Let's go find that guard, Sanev."
Kade frowns but gestures for me to start moving. Once I start walking, he falls into step beside me. "What made you want to start with Sanev?"
"Just a feeling I got while he was trying to convince me to bury Forrest with our family. I'm not a hundred percent sure that anything will come of it, but it's somewhere to start."
"Okay, then, let's go," Kade says as he weaves his fingers with mine.
We search the grounds for Sanev, finally finding him inside the castle near the throne room chatting with a few guards. He glances to the side, his gaze catching on us before widening in panic.
He says a few words to the guys near him before he takes off, speed walking down the opposite end of the hallway. Like he's trying not to be too obvious that he needs to get away. I almost snort.
"Guards!" I snap, gaining the attention of all five guards standing in the hallway, while Sanev turns his speed walk into a run. "Get Sanev! Bring him to the throne room. We need to talk."
Each of the guards exchange brief looks before turning to chase after Sanev. Kade guides me into the throne room and I sit my ass down in the throne, relaxing against the back, trying not to give away how tense I am. I don't like any of this. I don't like that I'm separated from two of my guys. Again.
I hate having to be the one in control and being the center of attention. Sometimes I wish that Forrest had been the right one to rule because then I wouldn't be in this position. The position where I'm pretty sure I'll have to punish one of my own guards due to treason. Which is technically a death sentence. And a very serious thing that I cannot overlook easily.
About two minutes later the guards come in, practically dragging Sanev in front of the throne and forcing him to his knees before me.
"I-I d-didn't d-do anything," he stutters.
Narrowing my eyes at him, I frown. "Why don't I believe you?"
"I-I don't kn-know." His eyes shift around the room as he frantically searches for a way out of this.
"My brother had visitors when he was in the dungeon, didn't he?" Sanev swallows hard enough that I can hear the gulp, but he doesn't answer. Instead, he watches me, a flash of defiance in his eyes.
"You were one of them?" I ask, keeping my tone pleasant.
Again, I get no response from Sanev. One of the guards beside him clears his throat, pulling my attention his way.
"He was, Majesty," the man confirms. "I was once on duty at the dungeon."
I smile gratefully at the guard. "Thank you-" I pause. "What is your name? I'm still learning everybody's names."
"Ryo, Your Majesty," he says, bowing low.
"Thank you, Ryo," I say simply before turning back to Sanev. "I need you to tell me everything you know about what my brother wanted the Ikishri to know. I know he had someone feeding information to the Ikishri after his imprisonment. I'm inclined to believe that someone is you."
Sanev pales. "Highness- Yes, okay. I went to see Forrest, but that was because he was a friend. That's it. I never fed any information to anyone about anything!"
I look up at the ceiling for a brief moment trying to find some semblance of patience that we really don't have time for. "Why should I believe you?"
Sanev stutters for moment before sighing heavily. "I can tell you everyone that went to see your brother. I don't know exactly who the informant may be, but I can give you a list of who visited Forrest during his imprisonment."
I frown at him. "Why would you do that?"
Sanev stares at the ground. "Forrest may have been my friend, but my loyalty is to the throne. No matter who may be sitting upon it. It always has."
I glance up at Kade who's frowning down at Sanev, but otherwise his expression is carefully blank. Pursing my lips, I make a decision. "I want those names, Sanev. If it turns out that you're telling the truth then there will be no punishment for you. However, until this is figured out, I'm confining you to your room. Under the watchful eye of a few armed guards to ensure you don't try to leave. All of your weapons will be confiscated until this is resolved."
I look at Ryo and the second guard standing on the other side of Sanev. "Take him to his room, confiscate his weapons, and please stand watch until I can send for replacements. It shouldn't take too long."
Ryo and the other guard bow, muttering, "Of course, my Queen."
I watch as Sanev is led out of the throne room between the two guards, looking dejected.
"Did I just make a mistake?" I ask Kade, staring at the now closed doors.
"Not at all," Kade assures me. "I think you did rather well."
Chapter 9
After tightening security and warning the guards that Xander took a lot of men with him, it takes another half hour for Sanev to write down the names of all the people that could have given information to the Ikishri from Forrest.
It's a very long list.
After three hours of questioning each of the people on the list I'm about ready to scream.
Every single elf on that list denies having anything to do with informing the Ikishri of anything. Claiming to be loyal to the Tira throne.
"What do I do?" I ask Kade as I lay back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. "I can't just lock everyone on that list in the dungeon. There's no telling that Sanev was even giving us the right names when he wrote the damn list." I put my hands over my face and groan into my hands. "This is dumb. I don't know what I'm doing."
I feel the bed dip on either side of me and the next thing I know Kade's hands are moving my hands off my face as he straddles me, careful to keep his weight off me. "Mia," he says, his voice soothing. "You're doing the best you can. That's all that matters."
"Yeah, but I was never taught how to do any of this, Kade. I'm fumbling around in the dark."
He rubs his nose against mine, a small smile playing at his lips. "That's where you're wrong."
"What do you mean?"
mean, you're doing a fantastic job as Queen, Cherish."
I purse my lips as I think about the enthusiasm and surety in his words. "I don't know about that," I mutter.
Kade chuckles softly, the sound making me smile. "You're the only ruler in hundreds of years that has placed herself in any kind of danger in order to help your people."
"Surely my dad was-" I stop when Kade shakes his head a smirk on his face.
"No. He wasn't. Your dad was a ruthless King. Fair, yes, but ruthless. He also was never put into a situation where it would be a choice between his own life and countless others." He's quiet for a second. "However, I knew your father, Cherish. He was a selfish man. More than half of his children were illegitimate, just like you were. Your father cared more for the countless women he could coerce into his bed."
My nose wrinkles in disgust. "I really don't want to know about my father's sexual habits, Kade."
Kade laughs and kisses my lips gently in apology. "My point is, other than his own children, your father didn't give a shit about his people. His main focus was for his kids. Sure, he knew how to pretend to care, but he didn't actually care. You, Cherish, you care and it shows in everything you do. You may be new at this but you're a fucking natural and I love seeing you as our Queen."
I frown at him. "Is that because of your guys' thinking that I'm the one that's somehow going to magically heal everything that's wrong with this world?"
Kade snickers and shakes his head. "No. It's because it suits you on a level I think nothing in the human world would. You're thriving here, mia. It's a beautiful thing to see."
My cheeks heat and I narrow my eyes at his smug smile. "What the hell is wrong with you guys lately and saying cheesy shit to make me blush?"
"Maybe it's because we're speaking the truth. Not to be cheesy, but because we all love you and that love for you has us admitting shit we never would have before."
"That's sweet," I murmur, pulling him down so I can kiss his cheek. "But you guys really need to stop it. Or at least tone it down," I beg. "I don't look good with a red face."
He barks out a laugh. "Is that really the reason?"